Guar meal is available only in few countries in the world. India is having this material in plenty. This has got high protein (46-48%) with good amino acid composition with good energy. However the digestibility of this is low, it has anti nutritional factors like mannane and has very bitter taste and bad smell. This is why the usage is very limited or negligible in poultry ration in spite of good quality protein, energy, the favorable price and available round the year.
To take advantage of this raw material a lot of research is being done worldwide to utilize this raw material for the advantage of poultry industry.
With the help of toasting at 110 degrees for 20 minutes we have improved the digestibility to 85% and lot of bitterness and bad smell is reduced.We have been using this product for last one year without any issues however the supplementation of mannane enzyme is required 3.5 to 4 % in layer diets has resulted in reducing feed cost significantly, however the usage in Broiler rations is not yet proved.
The specification of this product is enclosed herewith for considering in the layer diets.
Broiler Nutrition research has truly exploited the Genetic make-up of today’s broilers. We have been observing today’s broiler gives more positive response to low soya bean Meal inclusion Diets. Soya bean meal has made tremendous improvements during 1990-2000. However, with the improvement in Genetic make-up further, low soya bean meal inclusion diets at same specifications gave better performance. Obviously this is because of digestibility, anti-nutritional factors and low energy besides specific smell & taste of leguminous seeds. When we analyzed Soya bean Meal produced in laboratory after extracting oil the specifications are far different than the normal soya bean meal available in the market. Especially proteins & amino acids, Ash & AIA (acid insoluble ash) and the energy content. There is nothing wrong in solvent extraction Process but still we get only 45 to 46% CP, 6-7% Ash & 2-2.5% AIA. AIA may be the most critical of them.
We have been trying to improve the soybean Meal by processing like Dehulling, leading to high pro soya bean meal with low AIA. However, this process looks to be unfeasible because of high processing cost and the reason not known to us. This is really amazing to note why AIA, fiber etc. are higher in normal soya bean meal. This is really diminishing the performance and cost effectiveness of soya bean meal inclusion. Purity of this kind of product is always doubtful in every nutritionist’s mind.
Soya bean meal produced all over is a byproduct of oil milling & the main product is soya bean oil and that may be the reason producers not concentrating on quality of Soya bean meal consistently at reasonable cost. Broiler Nutrition includes both soya bean oil & the soya bean Meal in diets which is there in the soya bean seed. However, we cannot use soya bean seed directly because of its anti nutritional factors especially trypsin inhibitors.
We have been studying & observing the cost of soya bean meal & oil by solvent extraction process is going up and the nutritional specifications are coming down leading to costlier equations for broiler production. Full fat soya bean is available In the market from many years in India, however the cost factor involving on its process is quite high and sometimes it is costlier than adding soya bean Meal and soya bean oil separately.
Now we could develop a unique Process of Thermal Heat treatment which gives cost advantages and also improves the performance. We have developed a unique Full fat soya bean flakes which
Practical inclusion and Replacement
Practically 82.5kg of Soya Gold and 17.5kg of maize can replace 77kg Soya Bean Meal & 23kg of oil to give almost same or better specifications along with cost advantage in every Broiler Rations, especially in high energy Diets, besides 5 points FCR improvement.
SPECIFICATIONS Of Soyagold / Toasted Guar Meal:
Urease activity: Approximately 0.02 to 0.03 mgN/gr/min/300c