Gavran Feed
The indigenous coloured bird was a part of major backyard farming since long in India and china. In last five decades the Import of high yielding white leghorn and Rhode Island Red and subsequent cross breeding changed the scenario. The new broiler and layer varieties developed and adopted successfully. In the process the industry thought the indigenous coloured bird farming will come to an end But. Because of its peculiar traits of coloured feathers, lean and lengthy shank, traditional likening for taste and disease resistance; the backyard coloured bird farming has thrived into a full fledge modern and professional farming industry with selective technical inputs from broiler and layer industry. The major agriculture dependent rural population is backbone support of this industry. This industry has got good government support and promotion since its perfect co existence with agriculture.
At VRK we have not only developed and are successfully marketing speciality feed for these breeds but also ensure innovation to support farmers to increase their profitability. The technical support and guidance is also our continuous endeavour for farmers. We offer some important guideline as follow
Last but not least if any mortality consult expert vet. Doctors for treatment please do not indulge in self treatment and avoid loss.
We wish you all a happy and profitable farming ahead!
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