Gavran Feed



The indigenous coloured bird was a part of major backyard farming since long in India and china. In last five decades the Import of high yielding white leghorn and Rhode Island Red and subsequent cross breeding changed the scenario. The new broiler and layer varieties developed and adopted successfully. In the process the industry thought the indigenous coloured bird farming will come to an end But. Because of its peculiar traits of coloured feathers, lean and lengthy shank, traditional likening for taste and disease resistance; the backyard coloured bird farming has thrived into a full fledge modern and professional farming industry with selective technical inputs from broiler and layer industry. The major agriculture dependent rural population is backbone support of this industry. This industry has got good government support and promotion since its perfect co existence with agriculture.

At VRK we have not only developed and are successfully marketing speciality feed for these breeds but also ensure innovation to support farmers to increase their profitability. The technical support and guidance is also our continuous endeavour for farmers. We offer some important guideline as follow


  • Ideally the poultry shed should be with Minimum 10ft central height, 8 ft side height and 20 to 25 ft width. The directions of shed should be east west long and north south wide.
  • Before arrival of chicks shed should be thoroughly washed with caustic soda (2%) and formalin (5%). The litter should be of 2 inch height and made up of either rice husk of groundnut husk.
  • The brooding of chicks is of utmost importance and to be done carefully by giving temperature of 1watt per bird. The temperature should be reduced gradually after one week.
  • Initially Feeders and drinkers proportion should be around 5 each for 1000 chicks, as age advances the numbers should be increased so to provide 1 drinker/feeder per 40 birds.
  • Vaccination schedule: 6TH Day Lasota through eyes or nostrils ,14TH Day Gumboro (IBD) ,30th Day Lasota through water then to be repeated on 60th day. If required Gumboro (IBD) to be given as booster dose after 1 month (44th Day). Vaccinations should be done at morning time to avoid handling stress and medicated (Chlorine based) drinking water should be avoided on the day of vaccination.
  • The debeaking(shortening of beak) should be done with help of debeaking Machines on 16th, 40th and 60th day.
  • Birds should be provided with 200 Grams of Pre starter crumbs (0-18 Days) 800 Grams Starter crumbs (19-45 Days) and 2250 Grams of finisher pellets/crumbs (46-90 Days). On an average bird achieve average weight (Males & females) of one kg after eating 3 to 3.25 kgs of feed.
  • To achieve optimum weight at right time Farm management is equally important along with good quality chicks and feed.
  • In summer rearing more space (1 square feet per Bird) should be provided .To protect birds from direct sunlight a dry grass, old gunny bags cover to be provided from both sides and to be sprinkled with water at regular interval to control heat. Also Vitamin C should be provided through water and metabolic stress can be avoided by lifting feeders (keeping birds off feed intentionally) during afternoon hours.
  • In rainy seasondry litter condition to be maintained to avoid serious diseases like Coccidiosis. Litter can be maintained by adding lime and regular racking of litter, lifting curtains once rain stops. Also keep feed at dry and cool place.
  • In winter if brooding through light bulb is not sufficient, additional warmness can be provided by burning charcoal in tins with holes. Also provide warm drinking water during cold hours in winter.
  • The feeder and drinker height should be increased as age advances and to be maintained parallel to bird’s neck height, which ensures maximum feeding.
  • If we ensure optimum feed consumption, additional feed supplementation is not required. But for handling the stressors and prevention of diseases following medicines to be provided.
      • From 2nd day to 5th day Water soluble Antibiotic to be given (1gram per litre of drinking water) and electrolyte.
      • While (before and after for 2 days) every vaccination birds should be provided with water soluble Vitamin AD3EC with dose as 50ml for 1000 birds.
      • While changing the feed type( Pre starter to starter & starter to finisher) and whenever feed consumption goes down for unknown reason, Good Liver tonic should be given at the dose rate of 100 ml per 1000 birds.
    • If the drinking water source is doubtful in regard with PHand hardness,microbial contamination; use Water sanitizers, water acidifiers with bactericidal and virucidal activity at the dose rate of 1ml per litre of drinking water.

Last but not least if any mortality consult expert vet. Doctors for treatment please do not indulge in self treatment and avoid loss.

We wish you all a happy and profitable farming ahead!