cattle feed
Milk considered as healthy food for infants and adults for all the people around world and also to animals. India is No 1 in the world for milk production and overall cattle population however the productivity and efficiency are quiet behind as compared to developed countries. Genetic makeup and Breeding, Management, Nutrition and health status of Indian cattle is far behind nevertheless we are also gearing up very satisfactory in this sector also. All over the world dairy cattle for Milk and for Beef is considered as productivity criteria however we must not underestimate the power of Bullock and the significance of manure for agriculture and its value addition.
Safal Feeds as a company especially manufactures the best pellet feed for all groups of Dairy cattle and Buffalos and also emphasizes on calf Ration or calf pellet. The dosage and details of Safal feeding is enlisted separately.
All the product of Safal Feeds are very pallattable and assures very good returns on investment that is on cost of feeding Technically expert team of Safal feeds also advises the Dairy farmers on management and nutrition aspects for their dairy cattle’s, Buffalos and calves. There is no replacement for green fodder in dairy business Farmers should know the dry matter intake of their dairy cows and must learn the health status, diseases that normally present in their geographical area besides nutritional deficiencies.
For any expertisation and problems farmers can communicate us, we are sure we will give the best possible feasible solutions.
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